Roses and Flamingos

A day with Day Lilies!

 This week Began a new painting adventure. Day Lilies! Steve planted 100 of them along with 100 hostas two years ago to create a border alon...

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Plein Air Lily painting reworked

 Painting plein air has it joys and pitfalls.  There is the joy of being outside, surrounded by glorious natural beauty, letting the sun, wind and sounds soak into your soul.  I fell into one of the pitfalls painting the lilies of the field.  One of overpainting.  The sun dries the paint quickly. The colors seem to fade in the bright sun, even when I 'm standing in the shadows to paint the subject in the sun. The danger is to keep painting past the time when I should have put my brushes down, resulting in a dull image.  

When I looked at the painting back home, I ran hot water in the sink and soaked the painting, lifting layers of overpainting.  While it was still soaking wet, I added a few touches of color here and there for accent and called it done!

I will try again the next time I'm out!

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