Roses and Flamingos

A Flamboyance of Flamingos!

 Flamingos are just so exciting to paint! They exude attitude with all of their poses that as an artist makes them appealing. It began at th...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Marvelous Morning Glories

Instead of painting, I've been working on the organizational end of the Wabash Valley Watercolor Society.  What a wonderful group of artists to be getting involved with here in Lafayette!

The president of the WVWS encouraged all of us to bring something to the meeting tonight and decided it was high time to sit down and paint and get out of my "organizational mode!"  I've been drinking in the beauty of my morning glory photos and decided it was time to paint a few.  Here are my first efforts - one on Yupo, the other on Strathmore 140 lb paper.  It's always a challenge to capture the delicacy of morning glory pets.

Here is the photo I was inspired by - taken in Laguna Beach, California in 2007.

1 comment:

  1. These are beautiful. Two things I can seem to paint is morning glories and irises. Thank you.
