I've been busy posting on the travel blog covering the 16 day art adventure in France. My husband went along this time, and we led eight others in a two week trip to discover and paint France - from bustling Paris to the deep French countryside of "La Creuse." You can read all about the trip at www.artztourdefrance2.blogspot.com.
Coming home, and still under the influence of jet lag, I've been using the erratic hours to paint scenes from photos that I didn't have time to paint while traveling. It's a wonderful way to keep the wonder of such an experience going. Here are a few paintings from both my sketch book, a Vang aquarelle journal, and some larger pieces.
Ahh, the joy of it all. I'm so thankful to God for the experience to again go to France, share it with those traveling with us, share times with our French friends, and enjoy the amazing history and beauty.